Page 20 - Viveka Satakam - Eng
P. 20
About the Author
vākhānaye veda mora vigraha nā māne
sarvāṅge haila kuṣṭha, tabu nāhi jāne
sarva-yajña-maya mora ye aṅga pavitra
aja-bhava-ādi gāya yāṁhāra caritra
puṇya pavitratā pāya ye aṅga-paraśe
tāhā ‘mithyā’ bale beṭā kemana sāhase
“In this way, Lord Viśvambhara was floating in the ocean
of devotional happiness in the company of His associates.
One day, after hearing a verse about the mood of Lord
Varāha, He roared loudly and went to the house of Murāri
Gupta. Lord Caitanya in the mood of Varāha was pleased
with Murāri Gupta’s words. Displaying anger towards the
Vedas, He replied, ‘The Vedas deride Me by stating that
I have no hands, legs, mouth or eyes. There is a rascal
in Kāśī named Prakāśānanda, who in name of teaching
the Vedas cuts My body into pieces. The rascal explains
the Vedas but does not accept My form. His whole
body is afflicted with leprosy, but even thus he does not
understand. My sacred body is composed of all sacrifices.
Even Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva and other demigods sing its
transcendental activities. By the touch of My body, virtue
itself is purified, so how dare that rascal call it false?”
This incident happened between the Śaka years of 1425
(1503 AD) and 1430 (1508 AD). Śrīmān Mahāprabhu arrived
in Śrīraṅgam in the Śaka year of 1433 (1511 AD) and met
Prabodhānanda and his two brothers. At that time, they
were Śrī Vaiṣṇavas, followers of Śrī Rāmānujācārya, and
therefore they were viśiṣṭādvaitavādīs, always engaged in