Page 17 - NOBD
P. 17
Introduction to Part Three 331
7 / Managing and Supporting
Book Distribution 333
7.1 Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books can be
distributed everywhere 333
Temples, books, and chanting in every town and village 334
Where there’s a will, there’s a way 336
Book distribution must be cultivated 336
7.2 Harmony between devotees 337
Śrīla Prabhupāda on cooperation 337
Creating a team spirit 338
Serving the saṅkīrtana devotees 340
Special treatment for book distributors 342
7.3 Temple and saṅkīrtana organization 343
Each temple independent 344
Temple management 345
Inventory and bookkeeping 346
7.4 How to deal with civil authorities 348
Legalizing book distribution 348
Official accounting 350
Dealing with the police 351
Dealing with customers’ complaints 352
When people want to give back books 353
Complaints by phone or mail 354
7.5 Temple economics based on book distribution 355
How temples began to rely on book distribution 355
Book distribution is the safest economic basis 356
“We will always have customers” 360