Page 19 - NOBD
P. 19

8.5  Book distribution by gṛhasthas living outside    398
                The preaching potential    398
                Finances    401

           8.6  Distributing books and prasādam       402

           8.7  Which books to distribute      404
                “Every book is meant for everyone”    405
                Variety according to time, place, and circumstance    405
                Śrīla Prabhupāda on small books, leaflets, and pamphlets   408

           8.8  Saṅkīrtana meetings     409
                Regular meetings    409
                Śrīla Prabhupāda on saṅkīrtana newsletters and reports    411
                Suggestions for saṅkīrtana meetings    412

           8.9  Maintaining health      413
                Dealing with disease   413
                Taking rest   414
                Eating    415
                Back problems    416
                Transcending the body    417

           9 /  Marathons   423

           9.1  Every devotee should experience
               book distribution  423
                Once a week and during marathons    427
                Book distribution  —  part of a devotee’s training   429

           9.2  The importance of everyone going out   427
                Why it’s important for one’s spiritual life    428
                Why it’s important for ISKCON    429

           9.3  Marathons mean extra endeavor  430

           9.4  Competition      434
                Śrīla Prabhupāda on transcendental competition   435
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