Page 37 - BIKC - Eng
P. 37


              Of course, real devotional service is completely unmotivated,
          even by desires for peace and holistic well-being. Only such a
          surrendered attitude can bring complete satisfaction to the self.
          Those who are most intelligent will, from the beginning of their
          practice of Kåñëa consciousness, sincerely endeavor to be pure
          devotees of Kåñëa. Such an attitude is always to be encouraged, for
          it is the essence of our movement.
              Others, however, may consider such an outlook to be utopian.
          How is it possible, they will postulate, for those coming from such
          sinful backgrounds to consider seriously the prospect of becoming
          pure devotees, completely free from all material desires? “Better
          be realistic,” they say, “Make some compromise with mäyä, and
          continue at some level of Kåñëa consciousness.” Of course,
          everyone is encouraged to begin devotional service at whatever
          level he finds convenient, and it is not expected that all will take to
          it fully from the very beginning. Indeed, the whole system of
          varëäçrama-dharma (which forms the basis of Vedic culture) is
          meant for the gradual elevation of materially contaminated
          persons who are willing to adopt some measure of Kåñëa
          consciousness into their lives but are not yet prepared for full
          surrender to Kåñëa.
              However, Çréla Prabhupäda’s whole mood (and that of Lord
          Caitanya and of our entire  sampradäya) is that Kåñëa
          consciousness is so easily available in this Kali-yuga by the easy
          process of chanting Hare Kåñëa, so why not take full advantage of
          it, perfect our lives, and go back home, back to Godhead? Çréla
          Prabhupäda: “Don’t think that this chanting and dancing will not
          lead to the desired goal. It will. It is the assurance of Lord Caitanya
          Mahäprabhu that one will get all perfection by this process.” 46
              It is with this faith that  brahmacärés engage in devotional
          activities. True  brahmacärés strive for the mood of  ahaituky-
          apratihatä-bhakti—constant engagement in devotional service
          without any personal motive. 47  They are always eager for service
          and do not expect any special facilities or respect in return. Such
          pure devotional service is the ideal and essence of brahmacäré life.
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