Page 36 - BIKC - Eng
P. 36


          “super-brahmacärés”—as if unkindness and rudeness to women
          were proof of their freedom from sex desire—is actually indicative
          of their agitation. Indeed, undesirable traits such as the desire to
          dominate or impress others, unnecessary anger, and voracious
          eating are all symptoms of sex desire manifest in different ways.
          Attachment and rejection are two sides of the coin of the mode of
          passion. Neutrality and detachment born of sattva-guëa are
          required of a steady devotee. One must come to the mode of
          goodness to maintain brahmacarya. In goodness, knowledge and
          renunciation develop.
              Our philosophy begins with ätma-jïäna—we are not these
          bodies, male or female. So we shouldn’t develop a superiority
          complex: “I’m a big renounced brahmacäré. Who are these less
          intelligent women?” Who knows, possibly in our last lives we were
          in women’s bodies and the women were in men’s bodies! Still, we
          must keep the distinction. “Danger—keep your distance.” Don’t
          be rough, don’t be rude, but don’t worry about being considered
          odd or anti-social by being distant. Better be safe than sorry.


              One of the most important statements about Kåñëa
          consciousness is in Çréla Prabhupäda’s Preface to  the Nectar of
          Instruction: “Advancement in Kåñëa consciousness depends on the
          attitude of the follower.” Çréla Prabhupäda has stated that anyone
          can become a pure devotee of Kåñëa immediately, if he simply
          desires to. Advancement in devotional service means to purify our
          desires, and pure devotional service means to be fully absorbed in
          serving Kåñëa without even the subtlest desire for any personal
          sense gratification.
              Only the most fortunate people can come to Kåñëa
          consciousness. People come to devotional service for a variety of
          reasons. Some are seeking shelter from intense distress, others are
          looking for a simple, alternative lifestyle, some come out of
          curiosity, to see what it is all about, some because they want a
          cleaner, better life for themselves and their families. Some are
          directly searching for God and the meaning of life.
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