Page 40 - BIKC - Eng
P. 40

244                 A BRAHMACÄRÉ READER


              Once a devotee asked Çréla Prabhupäda, “We have the perfect
          philosophy, Kåñëa consciousness, and we have the perfect spiritual
          master, Your Divine Grace. Everything about Kåñëa consciousness
          is perfect, yet we always seem to have so many problems. Why?”
              Çréla Prabhupäda replied, “Because the  brahmacärés and
          sannyäsés associate too much with women.” (Told by Giriräja

              There is a story of two holy men who were walking on a road.
          They came to a chest deep river, which had no bridge. As they
          were about to wade through, a woman came up and asked them to
          help her over. One of the monks let her climb on his shoulder,
          forded the river, then put her down. The two sädhus continued on
          their way in silence. After an hour or two, the monk who had not
          carried the woman blurted out “Brother, how is it that you allowed
          yourself to be touched by a woman?” Surprised, his companion
          turned to him and replied, “I only carried her across the river, but
          you have carried her all the way here in your mind.”

                            dåñövä mä gä mohä-veçam
                       etan mäàsa-vasädi-vikäraà
                            manasi vicintaya väraà väram
              Having seen the supposed beauty of a woman’s heavy breasts
          and her thin waist, do not become agitated and illusioned, for
          these attractive features are simply transformations of fat, flesh
          and various other disgusting ingredients. You should consider this
          in your mind again and again. (Çaìkaräcärya)

            käçäyan na ca bhojanädi-niyammän no vä vane väsato
               vyäkhyänäd athavä muni-vrata-bharäc cittodbhavaù kñéyate
            kintu sphéta-kalinda-çaila-tanayä-téreñu vikréòato
               govindasya padäravinda-bhajanärambhasya leçäd api
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