Page 29 - BIKC - Eng
P. 29


          a distinct possibility, but the very meaning of life. But the
          pleasures of youth, as the poets lament, is but a fleeting frolic. The
          ability of the body to enjoy is like a water-laden sponge. At first, if
          you just pinch it, water gushes out. But as it is squeezed more and
          more, it gradually becomes difficult to get even a few drops from
              Similarly, attempts for sexual enjoyment increasingly result in
          emptiness and frustration. Still, most people fail to recognize the
          limits of sexual enjoyment. Due to misdirected education, they
          think that their lack of satisfaction with sex means there is
          something wrong in their approach to it. They may end up on a
          psychologist’s couch or reading some of the hundreds of books on
          “improved” sex life (Yoga for Sex, Tao for Sex, The Modern
          Woman’s Guide to Sex, A Doctor’s Sex Secrets, Diet for Better Sex,
          etc.). However, the harder they grope for pleasure, the more
          surely it eludes them. As they furiously try to force their bodies
          into giving them the happiness which they regard as a natural
          birthright, they may turn to frequent masturbation, increased
          promiscuity, pornography, varieties of perversity, and ultimately
              Actual civilization teaches its members to sublimate their
          sexual desires for higher, spiritual purposes. Modern civilization
          exploits people’s sexual cravings, makes a business out of it, and
          sends people to hell by the millions.
              Seeing all this, the Vaiñëavas are sorry. They know that every
          living being is an eternal servant of Kåñëa, and that sexual desire is
          simply a perverted reflection of the heart’s deepest longings to love
          Kåñëa. Just by understanding this simple principle the whole world
          could be happy. But in the darkness of the modern age it is very
          difficult to convince anyone that there is anything wrong with sex
          at all. The members of the Kåñëa consciousness movement have a
          great responsibility to somehow or other give this real knowledge
          to the people of the world. Çréla Prabhupäda: “The Kåñëa
          consciousness movement will go down in history as having saved
          mankind in its darkest hour.”
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