Page 26 - BIKC - Eng
P. 26


              All the advice given in this book is based on this under -
          standing: sex cannot make us happy; only Kåñëa can make us
          happy. Devotees who regularly study Çréla Prabhupäda’s books can
          keep this understanding active in their hearts. Then following all
          the rules and regulations of spiritual life will come naturally.


              “Of all kinds of suffering and bondage arising from various
          attachments, none is greater than the suffering and bondage
          arising from attachment to women and intimate contact with those
          attached to women.” 23
              Because the experience and urges of sex are so intense, and
          the syndrome of man/woman relationships surrounding it is so
          complex, it diverts the conditioned soul’s attention away from
          Kåñëa and deludes him more than any other trick of mäyä.
          Sometimes the foolish conditioned soul experiences great delight
          in enjoying sex; at other times he is frustrated and burns in the fire
          of lust. Or, when spurned by a lover, he suffers mental agony,
          sometimes so severe that he is driven to kill the loved one, or
          himself, or both. The loss of a partner to whom one is intimately
          emotionally attached, by death or other means, leaves the
          remaining partner with a broken heart. And especially in our most
          abominably degraded modern society, thousands of people’s lives
          become shattered by having their bodies exploited, either
          forcefully or tactfully, by others.
              The greatest myth in human society is that sex is the cause of
          happiness and that by adjusting or increasing one’s sex life one can
          find happiness. Factually, the opposite is true: the more one
          becomes involved in sex, the more he becomes entangled by the
          complexities of the actions and reactions of material life. This
          ultimately leads the unrestricted enjoyer to take birth in the animal
          kingdom, where he is awarded improved facilities to carry on with
          his sexual activities, and with minimal restrictions. Birth after birth
          he can enjoy 8,400,000 varieties of sex to his heart’s content. He
          will also experience varieties of birth, death, old age, and disease.
          And he will never be happy.
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