Page 25 - BIKC - Eng
P. 25

MUNDANE SEX DESIRES                    7

          overrides all logic and sanity and brings even a person of
          intelligence down to the level of a dog. As a pig is attracted to a
          sow, or a male cockroach to a female, so is the sexual desire of a
          man for a woman. It is not even slightly more elevated than that of
          the pigs.
              There is really nothing special about sex. It is not wonderful, it
          is not noble, it is not romantic—it is just a bodily function, a
          response to raw gut feeling. If you think about it soberly, the whole
          prospect of sex seems rather silly. Still, everybody is doing it. The
          president of America is doing it, the bums on the street are doing
          it, the cats and dogs are doing it. Only a few great souls are
          attempting to conquer over it.
              In human society sex desire is expanded into many forms,
          under the headings of profit, adoration, and distinction. All the
          trappings of so-called civilization—society, friendship, love, house,
          cars, clothes, position, power, prestige, money, and so on—are
          simply for facilitating and expanding this animal instinct called sex
          desire. But despite its external glamour, unless human society
          seeks out real beauty, which is Kåñëa, then it has not advanced any
          more than the pigs or any other animals.
              And despite all their emphasis on it, still, as surveys show,
          many karmés are actually bored at the time of sex. Then why don’t
          they give it up and take to Kåñëa consciousness, the real nectar of
          life? Because they know nothing better, don’t want to change, and
          are hoping against hope that sex will make them happy.
              Those who are fortunate will take to Kåñëa consciousness for
          real advancement of life. Kåñëa consciousness is far above the
          perversions of the gross materialists and the fruitless efforts of the
          jïänés and yogis. Even a neophyte devotee can be confident of
          gradually conquering over lust, because he has got the right
          method; that is, to revive his natural, real love—his love for Kåñëa.
          If he sticks to the path, then he will in due course of time achieve
          full Kåñëa consciousness. Then he will be completely satisfied
          forever.  Brahmacarya    is  meant    for  developing    clear,
          unsentimental, uncompromising understanding of these points as
          the basis for making rapid, determined progress in spiritual life.
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