Page 24 - BIKC - Eng
P. 24


          only make slow advancement over many lifetimes? Why is it that
          neophyte devotees, despite chanting and praying to God, are still
          prone to fall down at any time? It is because of sex desire. The
          perverted expression of ädi-rasa known as mundane sex desire is
          the main obstacle to spiritual progress.

                          MUNDANE SEX DESIRES

              The conditioned soul in the material world is in a state of
          madness. Nünaà pramattaù kurute vikarma.     22  Forgetting his
          eternal, blissful relationship with Kåñëa, he is suffering life after
          life, being kicked and spat upon by mäyä. But he is smiling, taking
          it as enjoyment. Why? Because he is charmed by the glitter of false
          happiness, beginning with sex pleasure. Sex desire is the main
          symptom of insanity exhibited by the conditioned soul.
              Such foolish beings are always intrigued and charmed by the
          opposite sex. With the onset of puberty, male youths, especially
          those who have not been trained otherwise, become overwhelmed
          by sexual desires. They take every opportunity to mingle with and
          enter into relationships with the opposite sex. Although they get
          limited opportunities to do so, their consciousness is always
          saturated with thoughts of touching the bodies of the opposite sex,
          seeing their naked forms, and engaging in sexual intercourse. They
          say “love,” but they have only lust.
              Even the more sober members of society who are not
          cultivating gross sexual lust as their main business in life may be
          captivated by fantasies of enjoying the body of a sexual partner, for
          the thought of sex is never far away from the mind of a conditioned
              But there is nothing intrinsically beautiful about any material
          body. Even the bodies of beauty queens are simply bags of skin
          filled with foul-smelling, revolting substances. Blood, mucous, bile,
          stool, and urine combined as muscles, bones, fat, liver, heart, and
          intestines—that is what they are having sex with! Sexual happiness
          is the happiness of uniting the two urine-producing parts. Yet by
          the mighty power of illusion, an arrangement of skin and flesh
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