Page 19 - BIKC - Eng
P. 19
Basically, brahmacarya means celibacy.
karmaëä manasä väcä
sarvävasthäsu sarvadä
sarvatra maithuna-tyägo
brahmacaryaà pracakñate
“The vow of brahmacarya is meant to help one completely
abstain from sex indulgence in work, words, and mind—at all
times, under all circumstances and in all places.” 4
There are eight aspects of brahmacarya, as described in
Çrédhara Svämé’s commentary on Çrémad-Bhägavatam 6.1.12:
smaraëaà kértanaà keliù
prekñaëaà guhyabhäñaëam
saìkalpo ‘dhyavasäyaç ca
kriyä-nirvåttir eva ca
One should not:
1. Think about women.
2. Speak about sex life.
3. Dally with women.
4. Look lustfully at women.
5. Talk intimately with women.
6. Decide to engage in sexual intercourse.
7. Endeavor for sex life.
8. Engage in sex life. 5
One who practices brahmacarya is called a brahmacäré. In the
varëäçrama system, the brahmacäré-äçrama is the first of four,
namely, brahmacäré, gåhastha, vänaprastha, and sannyäsa.
“According to Vedic principles, the first part of life should be
utilized in brahmacarya for the development of character and
spiritual qualities.” 6
Brahmacarya is thus student life. It was traditionally rigorous,
disciplined, and austere. It is a life of cultivation, of preparing for
the future. In all äçramas devotees are cultivating Kåñëa
consciousness, preparing for the examination of death. But the
brahmacäré period is specifically meant for training: training in