Page 14 - Viveka Satakam - Eng
P. 14

                                              About the Author

       time,  three  brothers  from  Mysore  had  come  to  live  in
       Śrīraṅgam. They were called Tirumalaya, Vyeṅkaṭa and
       Gopāla-guru (Prabodhānanda). Originally, they belonged
       either  to  Andhra  Pradesh  or  Uttar  Pradesh.  Śrīmān
       Mahāprabhu was very pleased with this brāhmaṇa family
       and spent four months at their house. Vyeṅkaṭa was the
       middle brother, and his son, Gopāla Bhaṭṭa, who was then
       between five to ten years old, would later become one of
       the famous Gosvāmīs of Vṛndāvana.

       The  Śrī  Vaiṣṇavas  are  mostly  fond  of  worshipping  Śrī
       Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa.  By  virtue  of  Śrīmān  Mahāprabhu’s
       special  mercy,  this  Bhaṭṭa  family  became  expert  in
       relishing the rasas of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Although we have no further
       information about Tirumalaya, it is understood that he
       was  fully  devoted  to  Lord  Caitanya.  The  conversations
       between Lord Caitanya and Vyeṅkaṭa are described in the
       ninth chapter of the Madhya-līlā in the Caitanya Caritāmṛta.
       Prabodhānanda  had  an  incomparable  attachment  for
       Lord Caitanya. It was by the influence of the instruction
       received from Prabodhānanda that Vyeṅkaṭa’s son, Gopāla
       Bhaṭṭa, became an ācārya among the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇavas.
       Prabodhānanda  has  a  very  elevated  place  among  Lord
       Caitanya’s  servants.  In  his  Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā, verse
       163, Kavi Karṇapūra has stated:

            tuṅgavidyā vraje yāsīt sarva-śāstra-viśāradā
            sā prabodhānanda-yatir gaurodgāna-sarasvatī
       “She who was previously known in the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa
       in Vraja as Tuṅgavidyā, who is fully conversant with all
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