Page 21 - Lekha-mala (English)
P. 21

Posts to BVKS Sanga                                        11

           Sometimes Srila Prabhupada encouraged devotees to chant
           extra rounds, and sometimes he discouraged them from doing
           so, telling them to chant sixteen and do service. He referred to
           the inability of his disciples to chant constantly and therefore
           felt it essential that they be fully engaged in service so as to thus
           engage their minds. And particularly, he generally preferred
           that devotees directly engaged in preaching not reduce it to
           spend extra time in sadhana. To follow the full morning and
           evening temple programs and also have one hour for private
           study takes about seven hours, which is a lot.

           There is no fixed rule on chanting 64 rounds. If you have time
           and it is not detracting from other services or responsibilities
           (which includes the responsibility to follow regular sadhana
           programs) then by all means chant more.

           But be careful of the “aloof bhajananandi” mood of avoiding
           other devotees so as to concentrate only on personal sadhana,
           and of thinking oneself better than others for doing so.
           Kirtaniyah sada harih can properly be practised by one who
           is trnad api sunicena, taror api sahisnuna, amanina manadena.

           7 August 2002
           Misunderstandings are liable to arise when a person judges
           another’s actions without consulting him as to his motive or
           perspective. If in doubt about another it is therefore prudent
           to openmindedly and nonaccusatively present that doubt to
           him for clarification. Being it not impossible that a disciple
           feel unsure about even his guru’s actions, I request that if any
           of my disciples feel disturbed by anything I do or say to let
           me know so as to forestall diminution of trust and to help me
           better represent Srila Prabhupada in my words and actions.
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