Page 27 - Ramayana - Eng
P. 27
a ma a the highest planet of the universe,
that of the demigod Lord Brahmā.
a ma “sage among the brāhmaṇas.” The
highest stage among ṛṣis.
a mā a a weapon invoked by mantra, more
powerful than many atomic bombs.
a a the spiritual master of King Indra and chief
priest for the demigods.
a a ya Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself who
appeared as His own devotee, in Navadvīpa, West Bengal,
and inaugurated the congregational chanting of the holy
names of Kṛṣṇa to teach pure love of God.
ā aṇa a type of demigod.
a a horse sent throughout the world to
establish the supremacy of an emperor over subordinate
kings. The horse would be accompanied by soldiers of
the emperor, and upon its arrival in a kingdom, the local
king would either have to offer tribute to the emperor’s
representatives, or fight to capture the horse.
ya a a a son of Bhṛgu Muni and the author of a text on
a ya the sons born to Kaśyapa Muni by his wife Diti; a
race of demons.
a a one of the sons of Brahmā and a chief progenitor of
universal population.
ā a a the sons born to Kaśyapa Muni by his wife Danu;
a race of demons.
a a a another name for Rāvaṇa.
a the son of Aṁśumān and father of Bhagiratha. He
was an ancestor of Lord Rāmacandra.