Page 19 - Patropadesa Vol. 2 - Eng
P. 19

1996–2005                                                   7

             Thank you for your appreciation of “My Memories.” I’m sure
             there will be plenty of non-appreciators also.

             21 July 1997

             Listening to tapes is a good way to imbibe Krsna consciousness,
             especially for devotees with less time to read.

             Offering obeisances to Tulasi in kirtana is OK. “Vaisnava Sikha
             O Sadhana” was a forerunner of “A Beginner’s Guide to Krsna
             Consciousness” and therefore does not need translating into
             English. You can best serve me by continuing to serve in
             ISKCON. I am touched by your deep dedication and by that of
             all the devotees struggling to bring Krsna consciousness to P.
             I’m presently traveling in the countries of ex-Yugoslavia.
             The response is wonderful and undoubtedly very pleasing
             to Srila Prabhupada.

             Here is a quote relevant to your situation.
               We cannot expect to find always any utopia in this material
               world, that is a fallacy, and it may appear to someone who is
               materialistically  inclined  that what we  are  doing  is  not  only
               harmful to our materialistic condition, but also that we are not
               caring for our students and so many other things. But if you
               inquire  from  our  students  more  carefully, you will  come  to
               understand that these superficial matters are not very serious
               in the long run, and that the students are becoming very happy
               by their acquiring spiritual knowledge and serving Krsna in so
               many ways. It is said that “one man’s food is another man’s
               poison.” Because they have become disgusted with this material
               world,  sometimes  our  devotees  appear  to  have  foolishly
               disregarded everything, that is seen to be something bad in
               their eyes, but we should not take these things very seriously.
               Main thing is that these boys and girls have understood what
               is  austerity  and  the  difference  between  spirit  and  matter,
               that is the highest knowledge of existence. Because they are
               engaged in serving Krsna in this way, you have nothing further
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