Page 49 - Patropadesa (English)
P. 49
Index 407
Gaudiya Matha, 327 be careful in selection of, 311
demise of, 31–32 bhagavatas more important, 235
legacy of bhakti, 339 chastisement from, 74
“Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika,” 40 concern for new bhakta, 53
deviation of, 167
Gift shop do not make disciples for me, 380
sell books and paraphenalia, 30 duty on eternal platform, 212
Gita Govinda, 361 duty to speak and act according to
Gopis guru, sastra and sadhu, 386
remember their mood, 364 encouraged by appreciation, 257
Govardhan Sila and Puja, 299 encourages deviated disciple, 70,
218, 351
Govinda dasi, 374 and female disciples, 329
Grhasta asrama. See also Marriage, follow his advice, 138, 161
Women guru disciple relationship, 74, 96,
be an ideal devotee and husband, 155, 193, 324, 328
347 happy to see disciple happy in KC,
complications in pregnancy, 265, 133
270 honorific titles offered to, 124
do not abandon it, 222 inspired by disciple, 271
dress simply, 317 instructs re marriage, 139
elderly parents should guide, 352 is he learned?, 202
follow husband’s guru, 276 keep in touch via chanting, 195
grassroots preaching, 184 “leap of faith,” 200
guidance and blessings for, 248, letter to a peer, 371
295 lives of Srila Prabhupada’s mercy,
husband and wife relationship, 43, 391
94, 118, 157 meeting not accidental, 183
problems, 290 no unconditional support, 262
wife should not work outside home, pleased by motherhood, 255
310 please him and please Krsna, 84
young grhastas need help, 303 procedure for approaching, 303
rejecting inappropriately, 73, 356,
Guru. See also Srila Prabhupada 360
accept he knows best, 71, 156, 383 relationship with in spiritual world,
advises confused disciple, 392 56
advises re problems, 138 represents Srila Prabhupada, 141,
affection for required, 125 186
always try to please, 183 respecting others as if, 345
and advice to marry, 295 same advice for everyone, 34
apologizes for disciples’ offenses, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati
330 Thakur on, 341
approach after firm decision, 112 stay connected to, 123, 180
approach by submissive hearing, take his permission before acting,
390 318