Page 47 - Patropadesa (English)
P. 47

Index                                                    405

             Conditioned souls                  better to correct than reject, 348
               four defects of, 106             caring for estranged devotee, 332
             Cooking                            contamination of Western culture,
               standards for, 60, 257           39
             Counseling                         develop relationships with, 96
                                                difficulties in relationships, 110,
               should be based on sastra, 352   117, 185, 225, 345, 349, 369
             Cow protection                     fighting over assets, 201
               and BJP party, 11                financial problems, 276
                                                generally follow moral standards,
             D                                  54
                                                get their mercy, 123
             Dance                              not ordinary people, 102
               for Krsna, 69                    pray for their association, 20
               in kirtana, 78                   respect and reservations, 375
             Death                           Devotional service. See also Krsna
               of devotee baby, 311                consciousness; Sadhana
               of devotee boy, 238              according to one’s situation, 137
               of Jayananda Prabhu, 365         attention to duty, 68
               of mother, 351                   despite ill-health, 46
             Deity worship, 62                  do’s and do nots, 77
               by non-brahmanas, 371            exhibit excellent behavior, 262
               focus on temple deities, 394     finding one’s niche, 171
               meant for initiated brahmanas, 355  get strong association, 315
               mistakes, 290                    go forward despite tests, 230
               offer real flowers, 128          go where your KC can grow, 259
               selling murtis, 30–31            increase it by strong desire, 62
               standards for, 160, 189, 242     inspiring and disappointing others,
             Demigod worship                    376
                                                menial service is beneficial, 115,
               binds us to material life, 314   376
             Depression                         mixed with sinful activities, 145,
               useless, 96                      316
             Determination, 181                 not always successful, 257
               and patience, 173                rejoice in good things, 245
               keep faith despite difficulties, 251  serving materialists instead, 221
               no matter what happens, 180      stick to basics, 274
             Deviation                       Difficulties
               do not spoil your life, 252      a great opportunity, 164
               due to lack of an authority, 226  and criticising others, 287
               from guru’s shelter, 70, 357     are great fortune, 258
               letter to a deviant Godbrother, 253  a sign from Krsna, 322
             Devotees                           chant properly for mercy, 190
                                                in working with others, 70
               association with is not cheap, 112
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