Page 54 - Patropadesa (English)
P. 54

412                                                    Index

           Pure devotees                   Sannyasa
              become one, 164                and being overweight, 100, 103
              never sinful, 66               blessings of sannyasis, 123
                                             female servants and, 100, 105
           R                                 one must be fit for it, 298
                                             what is most important, 331
           Radha-kund bathing, 63          Sanskrit
           Raghava Caitanya Das              ideal language, 53
              “The Divine Name,” 39        Satire, 380
           Ramajanmabhumi                  Scientists
              ISKCON should be there, 3      bluffing, 119
              sectarianism at, 4–6         Shirdi Sai Baba
           Ramayana, 380                     foolish worshipers of, 27
           Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu         Sleeping
              “Endless Love,” 106            deciding to rise early, 364
           Reading. See Sadhana              do not sleep excessively, 79
           Ritvik issues, 200                for how long?, 96
           S                                 seeing the self as master, 87
                                           Speaking strongly, 68, 379
           Sadhana. See also Devotional service;   Spiritual authority
                 Krsna consciousness         based on guru, sadhu and sastra, 227
              and preaching required, 309, 368  guidance from needed, 226
              balancing different duties, 108, 270
              become steady, 118           Spiritual knowledge
              books about Srila Prabhupada, 195  gained through reading, 58
              continue despite upheavals, 142  transmitted through base languages,
              follow the process, 229        54
              get strength from, 187       Spiritual leadership. See Spiritual
              memorizing verses, 125            authority
              read by candlelight in power cuts, 47  Spiritual life
              read daily, 133, 287           maturity required, 77
              read Krsna book out loud, 318  study, sadhana and guidance, 359
              read Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, 226  success formula, 355
              set an ideal example, 303
              to get free from bad thoughts, 260  Spiritual master. See Guru
              weakness, 288                Srila Prabhupada
           Samskaras                         be engaged for Krsna, 354
              by brahmacaris and sannyasis, 284  be fixed in his teachings, 128
              for illegitimate children, 340  be worthy representative of, 64, 77
           Sankaracarya                      books diluted in translation, 386
                                             BVKS as via medium to, 59, 132,
              Srila Prabhupada’s opinion of, 278  143, 240
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58