Page 51 - MMOSP (English)
P. 51

Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu

                                       Hundreds of thousands of people throughout
                                       the world now follow the spotless path
                                       of Kåñëa consciousness as given by Lord
                                       Caitanya. Chanting the holy names of Kåñëa
                                       and dancing in ecstasy, they desire only love
                                       of Kåñëa and consider material enjoyment to
                                       be insignificant. This book gives an overview
                                       of the life and teachings of Çré Caitanya
                                       Mahäprabhu, the most munificent avatar
                                       ever to grace this planet.

                                       120 x 180 mm • 176 pages • 16 color plates •
           Available also in Gujarati, Hindi, Russian, Tamil, and Telugu

           Çré Vaàçédäsa Bäbäjé

           Çréla Vaàsédäsa Bäbäjé was a great
           Vaiñëava who although physically
           present in this world, had little
           communication with it. His hair
           and beard were uncut, matted, and
           dishevelled. He almost never bathed,
           and his eyes looked wild. He wore
           only a loin cloth, and nothing more.
           This book introduces us to a
           personality of such extraordinary,
           inscrutable character that we simply
           offer him obeisance and beg for his

           140 x 216 mm • 152 pages
           • 8 color plates • softbound

           Available also in Croatian, Hindi,
           and Russian
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