Page 49 - MMOSP (English)
P. 49
Countless eons ago, when men and
animals could converse together and
powerful brähmaëas would effect
miracles, the uncontrollable demon
Rävaëa was terrorizing the universe.
The Rämäyaëa records the adventures
of Räma, the Lord of righteousness, as
He struggles to overcome the forces of
Rävaëa. This absorbing narration has
delighted and enlightened countless
generations in India, and its timeless
spiritual insights are compellingly
relevant in today’s confused world.
135 x 210 mm • 600 pages • 16 color
plates • line art • hardbound
Available also in Croatian, Hindi,
Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi, Polish, Russian, Telugu, and Thai
Mothers and Masters
Mothers and Masters presents
traditionalist arguments for the
direction of the Kåñëa consciousness
movement, proposing that we should
take up Çréla Prabhupäda’s mandate
to establish varëäçrama-dharma
rather than capitulate to the norms
and ideologies of secular culture.
Particularly discussed are gender roles,
parental responsibilities, feminist
follies, and some of Çréla Prabhupäda’s
more controversial teachings, such
as those concerning early marriage,
divorce, and polygamy.
140 x 216 mm • 320 pages
• softbound • Lecture DVD
Available also in Hindi and Spanish