Page 50 - MMOSP (English)
P. 50

Çré Bhaktisiddhänta Vaibhava

        Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura altered the course of religious history
        by reviving and forcefully propagating pure Kåñëa consciousness. His boldness
        in combating cheating religion earned him the
        appellation “lion guru”—yet his heart was soft
        with divine love for Kåñëa.

        The result of over twenty years of research,
        Çré Bhaktisiddhänta Vaibhava presents a wealth
        of newly translated material. Replete with
        anecdotes told by disciples who lived with him,
        this devotional, philosophical, cultural, and
        historical study gives intimate insights into
        the activities, teachings, and character of an
        empowered emissary of the Supreme Lord.
        160  x  240  mm  •  1576  pages  •  164  black-and-
        white photos • 9 color photos • hardbound •
        decorative protective box
           Çré Bhaktisiddhänta Vaibhava is presented in three volumes

        Volume 1 features a biographical overview, plus detailed analysis of the message,
        mission, and personality of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvati.

        Volume 2 details the preaching challenge that Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvati
        faced, and also includes biographical sketches of several of his disciples and

        Volume  3  features  an  overview  of  Çréla  Bhaktisiddhänta  Sarasvati’s
        contributions, with selections from his lectures, writings, and colloquies,
        also his astrological chart, and appendixes that include important details
        concerning Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvati and the Gauòéya Maöha.
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