Page 29 - MMOSP (English)
P. 29
My Memories of Çréla Prabhupäda
unknown to most of the devotees, increased their excitement
and eagerness to hear it.
Just as Prahläda Mahäräja had done, Çréla Prabhupäda spoke
strongly, fearlessly, and with full realization, intricately
analyzing the position of the material world and scything
away at all anarthas. The temple room was filled with blissful
and enthusiastic devotees. During the lecture, whenever Çréla
Prabhupäda chanted the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra or the
“harer näma, harer näma” verse, all the devotees would chant
jubilantly along with him.
Throughout these classes, Haàsadüta Prabhu would stand
behind and to the left of Çréla Prabhupäda, whisking him with
a cämara, and other leaders, such as Puñöa Kåñëa Swami and
Brahmänanda Swami, would stand around the vyäsäsana.
Çréla Prabhupäda looked like an emperor surrounded by his
At the beginning of the class given on 11 March, after chanting
the Sanskrit çloka responsively with the devotees, Çréla
Prabhupäda exhorted all to individually chant the Sanskrit
verse. I felt pleased and encouraged by that, because I always
enjoyed chanting the verse in classes. Later in that lecture
Çréla Prabhupäda said, “I am very glad that you European and
American boys have taken so much trouble to come here”—
which made me feel happy. He continued, “But you’ll be
benefited if you come here and try to take lessons from Caitanya
Mahäprabhu as He taught Sanätana Gosvämé.” I inferred that
Çréla Prabhupäda was cautioning us not to misuse our time or
act frivolously while in Mäyäpur. I also wondered how we could
go about taking lessons from Caitanya Mahäprabhu. Although
I did not immediately realize the answer, sometime in the future
it became apparent to me that to hear from Çréla Prabhupäda is
as good as hearing from Lord Caitanya.