Page 40 - Lekha-mala (English)
P. 40
Prayer Religion
what should we pray 15 sanatana-dharma 198
Preaching Ritvikites
pure standards are enough 36 defeated 104–105
to Chandigarh residents 117–118 do not have solutions 106
to Mumbai residents 115–116 Rocana Dasa
to students 22 Defeat of Ritvik-vada 104
training newcomers 22
via books in Bangladesh 30 Russian language book
via distributing ISKCON artwork 28 foreword to “Dasa Mula” 145–146
via straightedge rock music? 32–49 S
mundane psychology in ISKCON 96 Sadhana. See also Chanting, Holy
Public apology 208 Name, Reading, Devotional
Public statement avoid aloof bhajananandi mood 11
re ISKCON policies 95–96 read daily 24
R varnasrama conducive for 159–160
Radhanath Maharaja Sadhu
and sexual impropriety 124
apology to 88 definition 127
Raganuga bhakti real and bogus 125
how to attain 20–21 stereotype 125
Rajiv Malhotra “Samskrtoccaranam”
review of “Being Different” 149–150 comments on 215
Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Sanatana-dharma
Neelakandan real religion 198
review of “Breaking India” 148–149 Sannyasa
“Ramayana” 5 head of varnas and asramas 153
Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu new candidates’ qualification 82–83
shortage of sannyasis 80
“Endless Love” 4 sitting next to women 83
Reading traditional culture re women 91
better than surfing the net 13 Sanskrit
books by Srila Prabhupada’s disciples on proper pronunciation of 215
for research purposes 27 Sarvabhavana Dasa
instructions to do so 24 review of “Salted Bread” 150
only Srila Prabhupada’s books 1 Sastra
Srila Prabhupada’s books in sequence 3 apparent contradictions 9
suitable and unsuitable books 1–2 is the word of God 200
Reiki 25 resolving contradictions 162
Reincarnation Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
and soul 111–112 anecdote about book distribution 31