Page 38 - Lekha-mala (English)
P. 38

Guru                              offering non-devotee bread  56–57
         education begins by surrender to  163  re hosting sannyasis  26–27
         gives absolute knowledge  67–68  Hrdayananda Maharaja
         problems in ISKCON  106          “The Natural Path”  4
         qualification to become  107–109, 127,
             193                        Human life
         real offering to him is good conduct  194  boon of  127
        Guru groupism                     for understanding reality  201–202
                                          meant for spiritual quest  194
         dangers of  119–122              principles for attaining  7
        Guru, sadhu, and sastra
         ISKCON has all three  201                      I
                      H                 Illicit sex
                                          fall down and warning against  24–25
        Happiness                         prevented by traditional culture  66–67
         via serving without personal motive    weakens the mind and body  7
             14–20                      Internet
         via spiritual life  195, 197, 204–206  don’t surf  12–13
        Harikesa Maharaja                 hazards of emailing  58–59
         recommended books by  5        Intoxication
        Hari Sauri Prabhu                 weakens the mind and body  7
         “Transcendental Diary”  4      ISKCON
        HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja    and mundane education  160
         advises on varnasrama  171       apparent discrepancies within  207
        HH Gopal Krsna Goswami Maharaja   attitude to leadership  5–6
         message for his Vyasa-puja book    bogus chants  20
                                          child abuse issues and solutions  69–71
             146–147                      controversies in deity worship  51
        HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja      dangers of guru groupism  119–122
         message for his Vyasa-puja book  147  distribution of ISKCON artwork  28
        “Hidden History of the Human Race”   epistemology and hermeneutics  73–75
             4                            gurus and guruship problems  106
        Hinduization                      has guru, sadhu, and sastra  201
                                          letter to “As It Is” magazine  210–214
         of ISKCON  96–105                misleading propaganda  9
        Holy Name                         problems due to neglecting varnasrama
         64 rounds?  10–11                    155
         most powerful activity  6        public statement re policies of  95–105
         purifies and bestows service mood  10  retirement facilities required  95
        Householders                      rock bands  46–47
         child abuse  68–71               strict code of conduct  203
         divorce  157–158                 who are the leaders?  81–82
         face problems within modern society    Why ISKCON?  194–208
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