Page 39 - Lekha-mala (English)
P. 39

J                Lord Jagannatha

         Janmastami                         chanting ‘susvagatam’ to  20
           a day to become more serious  115–118         M
         Jiva                             “Madhurya Kadambini”  5
           enjoys as Krsna does  16
                                          “Mahabharata”  5
                        K                 Marriage. See also Householders
         Kali-yuga                          advice for  63–65
           religious impulse frustrated  30  divorce  157–158
         Kirtan                           Maya
           bogus mantras  20                sankirtan protects us from  31
                                            underestimated by devotees  160
         Krishnakant Desai
           rebuttal of “The Final Order”  104–105  Mayavada
                                            important note about  209–210
           contact Him via books  30      Midday Meals
           GOD IS A PERSON  209–210         issues re  86–87
           God reveals Himself  198–200   Mother Teresa
           not understood by scholarship alone  9  how unfortunate she was  79
           serving Him with motivation  14  Mumbai
         Krsna consciousness                invitation to residents of  115–116
           all satisfying, perfect, and complete  206  “Muslim Devotees of Krsna”
         Ksatriyas                          foreword to  144–145
           modern leaders are not  165
         Kurma Prabhu                                    N
           review of “The Great Transcendental   Neophytes
               Adventure”  151              instructions for  19
         Kusakratha Prabhu                Nrsimha Caturdasi
           suitable books for beginners  5  perils of not observing  76
                        L                                P
         Laxman-rekha                     Patita Pavana Dasa Adhikari
           mythology?  66–68                foreword to “Sri Canakya-niti”  143–144
         Leadership                       Prabhavisnu Swami
           by following Srila Prabhupada  81–82,   introduction to Vyasa-puja book
               193                              133–137
         Loans                              “The Prabhavisnu I remember”  92–95
           advice re  28–29               Prabhupada. See Srila Prabhupada
         Lokanatha Swami                  Prasadam distribution
           comments on “Samskrtoccaranam”  215  is it always transcendental?  85–87
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