Page 13 - GOTIL (ENG) Sample
P. 13

Other Contributors                                     xi

         with his wife and eldest daughter, he received Gauḍīya
         Vaiṣṇava initiation from Bhakti Vikāsa Swami and was
         named Raṅganātha Dāsa.

         Rasarāja Dāsa (Ravi Gomatam, Ph.D.) is also of South
         Indian Vaiṣṇava  lineage. After  earning  his  M.E.  in  1974
         from  the  Birla  Institute  of  Technology  and  Science
         in  Rajasthan,  he  worked  for  Air  India  in  Mumbai.  In
         1977  he  emigrated  to America  and  developed  systems
         software  for  General  Motors,  Ford,  and  other  major
         companies.  After  a  short  and  superficial  period  of
         attraction  to  American  life,  Rasarāja  became  inspired
         by Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books and joined ISKCON in 1980,
         rejecting an opportunity for a major career advancement.
         At  present  he  is  the  international  secretary  of  the
         Bhaktivedanta Institute, the academic and educational
         wing of ISKCON.

         For his Ph.D. he did important work in the foundations
         of quantum mechanics, integrating the views of Einstein
         and Bohr. And in collaboration with the Birla Institute
         of Technology  and  Science,  he  initiated  the world’s
         first  M.S./Ph.D.  program  in  Consciousness  Studies
         —  a  new,  interdisciplinary  area  of  study  in  modern
         science, involving such fields as neuroscience, artificial
         intelligence, quantum physics, molecular biology, and
         cognitive philosophy. Among his many publications is
         a co-edited volume of essays on science and religion,
         to which many eminent scholars, including six Nobel
         Laureates, have contributed. He has lectured across the
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