Page 15 - BIKC - Eng
P. 15


             Human life, especially the male form, is meant for self-
          realization: to understand our eternal relationship with God, Kåñëa.
          This book is meant for men who have seriously taken to Kåñëa
          consciousness, and especially for those devotees who have joined
          the brahmacäré-äçrama with no training or background in spiritual
             Brahmacarya means “the life of celibacy.” Unfortunately, the
          very concept of such a lifestyle is still incomprehensible to the vast
          majority of human society, especially in the Western countries.
          Indeed, even though the rudiments of Kåñëa conscious
          philosophy—service to God, simple living, high thinking, and so
          on—may be explained to open-minded persons, the principles of
          celibacy and austerity remain an anathema to most. Some even
          consider celibacy to be dangerous fanaticism or, at best, something
          unnatural and strange. This book will definitely not be
          understandable to or appreciated by, nor is it meant for, the
          common man.
             In Kåñëa consciousness we stand apart from the general masses.
          For all their liberality and free sex, their society is a mess, a hell. We
          have taken the decision to walk on a different path. We cannot
          compromise our principles to satisfy misguided persons who have
          no idea that there is a goal of life, let alone how to attain it. Our goal
          is Kåñëa, and we are prepared to do whatever is necessary to attain
          to Him. Why should we descend into the stool pit of material
          enjoyment? Brahmacarya is that training whereby, developing
          knowledge and detachment (vairägya-vidyä), one becomes immune
          from the pushing of the senses. Enjoying life in Kåñëa consciousness
          and renunciation, one prepares himself to enter the kingdom of
             It is not expected that all brahmacärés will remain so without
          ever marrying. The brahmacäré period is traditionally a preparation
          for what will follow. For most, that means gåhastha life and beyond.
          Certainly, if a brahmacäré is determined and strong then there is no
          reason why he cannot remain unmarried throughout his life; indeed,
          some fortunate few will succeed in remaining celibate throughout
          their entire lives. But the Vedic system prescribes four äçramas, and

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