Page 8 - Rasikananda - Eng
P. 8

vi                                                   Contents

          Southern Division
          First Wave: Initiation  .................................................................  79

          Second Wave: Govardhana Darçana  .......................................  84
          Third Wave: Topmost Service  ..................................................  87

          Fourth Wave: Order to Preach  .................................................  92

          Fifth Wave: Preaching in Dhärandä  ........................................  96
          Sixth Wave: The Marriage of Çré Gopé-vallabha Räya  .........  99

          Seventh Wave: Rasikänanda’s Devotional Practices  ............  101
          Eighth Wave: The Qualities of Çré Rasika  ..............................  104

          Ninth Wave: Rasika’s Power  .....................................................  107

          Tenth Wave: The Swing Festival ..............................................  109
          Eleventh Wave: Çyämänanda and Rasika  ...............................  112

          Twelfth Wave: Conversion of King Vaidyanätha  ..................  115
          Thirteenth Wave: Rasika Defeats the Bhaööäcäryas  ..............  119

          Fourteenth Wave: Rasika’s Teachings  .....................................  122

          Fifteenth Wave: Instructions on the Worship of Kåñëa  .......  125
          Sixteenth Wave: Uncommon Mercy  .......................................  130

          Western Division
          First Wave: Preparations for the Festival  ................................  135

          Second Wave: The Räsa-yäträ  ..................................................  137

          Third Wave: Reenacting Pastimes  ...........................................  140
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