Page 11 - Rasikananda - Eng
P. 11
Preface to the Second Edition
This edition has been much corrected and amended. The first
round of work was done by Gopäla Äcärya Däsa and Särvabhauma
Däsa. Then Kiçora Däsa and his wife, Ananta-sarovara Däsé,
extensively corrected the text as per the original Bengali. Photo
credits are due to Kiçora Däsa and to the Bhaktivedanta Research
Centre, Kolkata. Indirä-sakhé Devé Däsé, Muräri Däsa, and Nitya
Gaura Däsa did the proofreading. The cover painting was done
by Bhavesh Raval, Sädhu Caitanya Däsa did the layout, and Çré
Giridhäré Däsa oversaw the printing. May Çré Rasikänanda-deva
bless them all.
Extra appendixes and also a glossary have been included in this
Bhakti Vikäsa Swami
Preface to the First Edition
Çré Rasika-maìgala is the Bengali verse biography of Çré
Rasikänanda-deva by his disciple Çré Gopé-jana-vallabha Däsa.
Rasikänanda was an empowered preacher of Kåñëa consciousness
who appeared in Rohiëé in 1590 AD and disappeared in 1652. His
guru was the great Çyämänanda Prabhu. Gopé-jana-vallabha was a
disciple of Rasika and son of Rasamaya, one of Çyämänanda’s first
and most prominent disciples.
This book is based on a rather shoddy and incomplete translation
of Rasika-maìgala, done not very painstakingly by a commissioned
scholar. Although the gist of the story had been preserved, many
* Rohiëé, traditionally considered part of Utkala (Odisha), is presently
in the state of West Bengal.