Page 43 - RD (English) - Sample
P. 43

bIblIography  265

        Vedanta Psychology (Swami), 209  on transitional forms, 55
        Vedas. See Bhagavad­gita; Vishnu   West, John G., 21
          Purana                      wheat, crossbreeding of, 16
        Vedic philosophy              Where Reincarnation and Biology
           common ancestry, 211–212    Intersect (Stevenson), 167
           on cosmology, 6            Whitesides, George M., 118
           evil and imperfections, 208–209  Whitney, J. D., 133, 134
           evolution, 209–212         Wigner, Eugene, 159
           human body, 209, 210       Wills, Christopher, 20
           methodology of, 200        Winslow, C. F., 140, 141
           nature, categories of, 201  Woese, Carl, 124, 125
           original cause, 199–200, 201–203  Wolf, Yuri I., 124
           part and whole relationship, 200  wolves, 77–78
           reality, 154
           soul, 155, 210–211         Y
           spiritual world, 208
                                      yeast proteome, 102–103
        vertebrates, 38, 123
        Vigilant, L., 127
        Vishnu Purana, 201
        Vries, Hugo de, 17

        Wallace, Alfred Russel
           correspondence with Darwin, 11, 177
           evolution theory, 12–13, 178–179
           mesmerism, 177
           paranormal research, 174, 176–178
           on scientists and spirituality, 22
           spiritual evolution, 21–22, 211
        watch, intelligent design of, 67
        Watson, James, 109
        Way of the Cell, The (Harold), 88
        web sites of Darwinism fans, 89
        Wegener, Alfred, 198
        welfare, impact of Darwinism on, 21
        Wells, Jonathan
           on acquired traits, 19
           on completeness of fossil record, 50
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46