Page 40 - RD (English) - Sample
P. 40
262 bIblIography
S withholding evidence, 42–43
See also textbook misrepresentations
Sabom, Michael B., 164–165, 166
scientific prejudice
Sagan, Carl, 6–7, 33
Big Bang theory, 145
Sagan, Dorion, 29
critics of Darwinism, 3, 19
Sahni, B., 62 intelligent design, 89–90
Salt Range Mountains (Pakistan), 62 the paranormal, 181–183
Savona (Italy), 139–140 spirituality, 22
Scrabble, 66 unbiased skepticism, need for, 183
science scientists
designer and, 69 alchemists likened to, 120
empiricism, 153, 199, 203 faith in, 45
morality and, 204 fooling of, 44
self-correcting in, 44 motives, 22
state of in Darwin’s era, 82 séances
See also science and religion Marie and Pierre Curie, 176
Science, 32 Wallace, Alfred Russel, 178
science and religion selection. See natural selection
anti-religious bias, 22, 45, 145 self. See soul
artificial separation, 207 semen, 18, 126
conflict between, 203 sex education, impact of Darwinism,
Darwinism, religious arguments, 21
205–206, 209–210 Shapiro, Robert, 116, 117, 118
historical unity, 204–205 Shaw, G., 112–113
overlap of, 5, 204–205
Sheldrake, Rupert
Wallace on, 22 scientific bias, 181–183
Scientific American
telepathy research, 179–181
on peppered moths, 40–41
Shroder, Tom, 168
on prehistoric artwork, 136 sickle-cell anemia, 26
on Tiktaalik, 58
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Scientific Aspect of the Supernatural (California), 140
(Wallace), 178 similar traits. See convergence
scientific misconduct Singh, Thoudam, 7, 212
embryo drawings, 31–33, 34–36 Smart, Pamela, 179–181
ignoring evidence, 45, 181–183
Smith, John Maynard, 78
Piltdown Man forgery, 43–44
social impact of Darwinism, 20–21
research fraud, 138, 183–184
sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus
suppression of evidence, 132, 133, nerka), 189