Page 15 - Jaya Srila Prabhupada (English)
P. 15
Introduction xiii
That Çréla Prabhupäda is clearly not an ordinary person
is succinctly established in the opening chapters of this book.
Yet subsequent chapters describe incidents in which Çréla
Prabhupäda apparently acts as an ordinary person. Those
with developed faith in Çréla Prabhupäda will be charmed by
such narrations, appreciating that although the äcärya is
always the äcärya, he is never a stereotype. Even if apparently
acting in an ordinary way, he is always extraordinary.
It is the injunction of the Vedas that the Spiritual
Master should not be treated as an ordinary man
even sometimes the Spiritual Master behaves like
ordinary man. It is the duty of the disciple to accept
Him as a Superhuman Man.
Despite the logic that “Caesar’s wife must be above
suspicion,” a devotee should not be disturbed by the
activities of his spiritual master and should not try to
criticize him. A devotee should be fixed in the
conclusion that the spiritual master cannot be subject
to criticism and should never be considered equal to
a common man. Even if there appears to be some
discrepancy according to an imperfect devotee’s
estimation, the devotee should be fixed in the
conviction that even if his spiritual master goes to a
liquor shop, he is not a drunkard; rather, he must
have some purpose in going there.
Only those with less developed understanding of Çréla
Prabhupäda may upon hearing of his apparently ordinary
activities be bewildered into thinking him somehow
mundanely influenced. However, this book is meant for and
can be properly appreciated by those who have strong faith in