Page 11 - Jaya Srila Prabhupada (English)
P. 11

An Appreciation

          Dear Bhakti Vikäsa Mahäräja,
              Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Çréla
              I thought I would drop you a brief note on behalf of my
          brother Patré Prabhu and myself. We wish to express our
          heartfelt appreciation after reading your book  Jaya Çréla
          Prabhupäda! It is a wonderful book. Your glorification of
          Prabhupäda is done very thoughtfully. As you refer to in your
          book, it is impossible to completely glorify a pure devotee of
          Prabhupäda’s magnitude. However, you have done a pretty
          good job of it!
              We read Jaya Çréla Prabhupäda! recently when we were in
          Våndävana. Patré Prabhu bought it in the Kåñëa-Balaräma
          gift shop. I was doing my own study of Bhagavad-gétä and was
          frequently being distracted by Patré constantly commenting
          on one passage after the other. “Listen to this example of
          Prabhupäda’s humility,” or “Bhakti Vikäsa Swami is putting
          into words exactly how I feel about Prabhupäda.” He could
          particularly relate to you seeing Çréla Prabhupäda as your
          hero as that’s exactly the way he always thinks of
              Anyway, as he never “shut up” the whole time he was
          reading your book, as soon as he finished, which didn’t take
          him long because he couldn’t put it down, I just had to see
          what he was raving about. I briefly set aside the Bhagavad-
          gétä (I say “briefly” because I couldn’t put the book down
          either). I immediately could understand why he liked  Jaya
          Çréla Prabhupäda! so much. It’s a gripping read and a
          disappointment when it comes to an end. Thank you very
          much for writing about Çréla Prabhupäda so affectionately.
              Your servants, Uddhava däsa and Patré däsa (Wicklow,
          Ireland), 25 Jan 1997
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