Page 198 - SBV (English)
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572                              Index

              seeing God and, 177–79, 181–83    Snäna-yäträ, 228
              seeing pure devotee and, 184      Socrates, 264n*
              as spiritual barometer, 175       South India, 37, 230, 237–44
              spiritual v. worldly vision and, 173–74  Spiritual master. See Guru
              as theological contribution, 290–91  Spiritual vision, 173, 174
              understanding BST and, 186        Çräddha, 107
           Self Culture, 193                    Çrauti Mahäräja, 342, 385
           Sena, Dineça-candra, 94, 305, 359–60  Sree Krishna Chaitanya, 187–88, 243,
           Sena, K. B., 49                           323–24
           Sena, Survarëa, 378                  Çré Caitanya Yantra, 11
           Sense gratification, 286             Çrédhara Mahäräja
           “Service to the Äcärya,” 77            caste Goswamis and, 385
           Sevä-däsés, 169–70                     deity installation and, 343
           “Sevär Khatiyän,” 106                  fund embezzler and, 106–7
           Sevä-viläsa, 388, 393                  funeral rites and, 124
           Seven sages, 34                        Govardhana-püjä and, 353
           “Sex,” 436–38                          information gathering and, xx, xxi–
           Sharma, Madhusüdana, 298                  xxii
           Sharma, Påthvéçvara, 18                on Kurukñetra, 400–401
           Shealdah, 123                          last days and, 121
           Shillong, 131, 221, 236                seer-seen teaching and, 183
           Siddhänta Kaumudé, 18                  verses supplied by, 270
           Siddhänta Sarasvaté. See Bhaktisiddhänta   yukta-vairägya and, 163
                 Sarasvaté Öhäkura              Çré Gauòéya Maöha
           Siddhänta-çiromaëi, 13, 15             at Bäg-bazar
           Siddhärtha-saàhitä, 366                   BST’s walking at, 202
           Siddha-svarüpa, xxvii–xxviii, 461–62,     book publication and, 293
                 467–68                              departure hints and, 112, 118
           Signboard, 27                             establishment of, 91
           Çikhi Mähiti, 399                         festivals at, 92–94, 349, 350, 351–52
           Çikñäñöaka, 121, 225, 245                 Govardhana-püjä at, 351–52
           Siàhäcalam, 238                           location of, 91
           Sindhu-vaibhava-vivåti, 297               Maöha name and, 73
           Sins, 285, 458                            opening of, 92–94
           Sircar, J. N., 360                        philosophical discourse at, 218
           Sétä, 176                                 quarrels in, 107, 113
           Sitakunda, 37                             smoker at, 459
           Sétänätha däsa Mahäpätra Bhakti Tértha,   Theistic Exhibition at, 356–57
                 251                              Bhaktivinoda festival at, 85
           Sétä-Räma–Lakñmaëa–Hanumän deities,    Caitanya Maöha and, 372
                 457                              founding of, 78
           Siuri Prapannäçrama, 223               Vyäsa-püjä at, 85–86
           Çiva, 226                            “Çré Guru-paramparä,” 211
           Çiva-liìgas, 374                     Çréla Prabhupädera Vaiçiñöya-sampada o
           Sleeping, 254                             Samädhäna-sampada, 9n†
           Smärta-brähmaëas, 43–47, 70, 165     Çrémad-Bhägavatam
           Smoker, 459                            adaptation of, 275–76
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