Page 30 - Lekha-mala (English)
P. 30
20 Lekha-mālā
caritamrta quoted above, this is a contradiction or paradox
beyond the comprehension of the mundane intelligence.
Srila Prabhupada writes, “Srila Jiva Gosvami has explained
this desirelessness as bhajaniya-parama-purusa-sukha-matra-
sva-sukhatvam in his Sandarbhas. This means that one should
feel happy only by experiencing the happiness of the Supreme
Lord.” (SB 2.3.10 purport).
7 April 2003
The latest in the ever expanding repertoire of ISKCON
speculative chants is susvagatam jagannatha, susvagatam
baladeva, susvagatam radha etc.
Following in the tradition of such popular favorites as jaya
jaya radha ramana haribol this is adapted from a popular
Hindi bhajan cassette.
Susvagatam (welcome) is offered to a guest when he enters a
person’s home. But Jagannatha is the Lord of the Universe – it
belongs to Him, not us. We should be fortunate if He welcomes
us to His spiritual abode. This chant is thus particularly
inappropriate when sung in the Lord’s temple. It is like going
to someone’s house and on arriving there greeting him with
“Welcome!” Such an utterance could be taken as an illegal
attempt to falsely establish one’s own proprietorship.
It could be stated that in bhaava-seva a devotee may welcome
the Lord, but this chant is adapted from a commercial cassette,
not from the bhaava-seva of genuine acaryas.
30 June 2003
Srila Prabhupada writes in his Nectar Of Devotion in chapter
16 about the practices of raganuga-bhakti. He says that those