Page 45 - Jaya Srila Prabhupada (English)
P. 45
An Appeal
O my brothers and sisters! Don’t be misers. Do not
lock away your memories and realizations of Çréla
Prabhupäda! All of you Prabhupädänugas have oceans of
Prabhupäda nectar in your hearts. But most of us do not
realize how much we feel for Prabhupäda until we
consciously try to bring it out. So let us bring Çréla
Prabhupäda into our minds and onto our tongues.
Wherever you go, whomever you meet, speak about Çréla
Prabhupäda. At least tell the devotees.
Better still, record your Prabhupäda nectar, then
publish and distribute it. Some of you have enough
memories to write an entire book; others of you could even
write many books about your personal association with
Prabhupäda. Please, prabhus, do it! And do it now. Start
today! Do not deprive us of the inspiration and instruction
that only Prabhupäda can give us. Although we have